Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Am I THAT dumb?

Ya know, I'm male, Dumb by stereotype. But I've tried to be good about it. I try to be not-so dumb. But I fail most of the time.


Well, I've got a great friend online that I recently got into World of Warcraft and her whole family (save for her little brother) likes the game. I promised her that I'd come on the game with her sometime this week and help her out. It's Wednesday now and I don't know when I'll be able to get on with her. I *WANT* to, but I get bogged down with other obligations... obligations that aren't even mine.

Well, technically not mine. Like I've said before, I look after two elderly people and I live with the rest of the family. No one else does much around here. I cook. I clean, I just do a lot around here, and no one gives a damn. Hell, my fiancee and I had to fight to get a day to go down to the city.

Another great one is with my fiancee. I de-stress by doing one of three things: World of Warcraft, TV and Reading. the problem is my TV. I watch.. well.. a lot of tv. And I know it's another male Seterotype, but I watch tv and that's about all I do when I watch tv. I have a hard time paying attention to anything other then the tv when I watch tv, and it really pisses my fiancee off. I don't even *hear* her when she talks to me.

Yeah, I suck.

I get told that every day.

yeah... lost my train of thought already... but whatever, right... not like there's a million of these things polluting the net..

I'm rolling over now... see you whenever I get the urge to write another post...

god damn do I suck